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YouTube, the giant video hosting website platform by Google and with most number of active users daily on a video sharing platform. Now a hot topic in coronavirus pandemic, because YouTube locks 480p default video quality. We will go through the matter in this article.

Hi and welcome to the "Postdynamic - The Master's World". This article lands in "Tech News" category under "Internet" and "Social Media" section on YouTube locks 480p default video quality.

YouTube locks 480p default video quality
YouTube locks 480p default video quality
As we all know due to coronavirus (covid-19) everyone is following #StayHome #StaySafe that is why the usage of internet has been increased. Because people are spending most of the time online by doing various activities. In these activities, the most used online service is watching videos on YouTube, Tiktok, Amazon Prime videos, NetflixHotStar and more similar content streaming services.
And which is increasing the use of mobile data and also increases the load and stress on internet service provider's network.
To overcome this problem or to prevent the network stress due to coronavirus pandemic, YouTube locks 480p default video quality and other streaming services also doing same such as Amazon prime video, Hotstar, Tiktok and all.

This will reduce the bandwidth usage as well as will lower the network stress. Actually, network stress is not that big issue in normal conditions. Because due to shortage of man power amid coronavirus (covid-19) pandemic, management of resources is compromised.
So just to make sure that the services operate normally these measures are taken and implemented.
This change will be effective in Android and iOS apps.

That is the reason the YouTube locks 480p default video quality temporarily.

So, this 480p video quality is not matter of worry, it is still a good and watchable quality resolution.

I hope you like this article and got some useful info from this.
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